
Enlightened Way of Digital Life

We Accelerate Growth for Brands

Unveiling the world’s first Insight Sales, Attunement and Marketing Engine for brands to become more aspirational with ambitious growth trajectory.

Insight Sales Engine 90%
Multichannel Marketing 88%
Attunement 95%
Innovation On — Breaking out of mediocrity

Creativity involves the breaking out of established patterns to differentiate as a unique brand that is always winning the hearts of customers.

Vedam declares Feb 24 as the Creative Day of the year remembering Steve Jobs as the most extraordinary Creative Genius.

Creative Day Workshop
Venky Vijay Reddi
Venky Vijay Reddi
The ExperienCEO
Vedam Team
Virtuoso Team at Vedam
We are Hiring
Vedam is Hiring
Digital Professionals
Our Services
At Vedam, we bring creative cachet to the total brand experience by delivering fusion of Martech.

Vedam offers digital marketing & commerce strategy, technology and transformation services.

  • Sales Enablement
  • Multichannel Marketing
  • Brand Identity
  • Experience Design
  • Customer Data Management
  • Customer Experience
  • Digital Commerce
  • CX.Digital Maturity
CX-led Transformation
brand-led Innovation
Marketing is About Winning Together and Capturing the Hearts and Minds of Customers.

Our Approach

At Vedam our philosophy is Win-Win Marketing — where the brands and customers win together. We care about the same things that you do...

Our Vision and Values

Rid the world of bad experiences by helping the brands deliver value to the customers. Our Core Values — Virtuosity, Veracity, and Velocity.

Building a "Genius" Marketing
Most Vital Marketing Capabilities Supporting the Delivery of Marketing Strategies.

Why Should You Build CDP?

Customer data is a useful asset in executing differentiated strategies that successfully engage customers using ABCD (Accuracy, Breadth, Consistency, Depth) Data Quality Framework.

How Do I Build a Martech Strategy?

Begin with the marketing strategic planning framework using a six step roadmapping process — Capabilities, Strategic Plan, Priorities, Workboard, Visualization, and Review - Revision.

How Do I reshape DemanGen Funnel?

Your Account Based Marketing (ABM) and DemandGen strategies should be driven by the unique context of your business and your customers with collaborative engagement across their Entire Journey.
Let's Connect
Let's Explore and Exchange Ideas
Vedam delivers Marketing Innovation levers for your business with an integrated Martech, Branding and Commerce strategy.